Outdoor music festival season is just around the corner, and our friends at eReplacementParts.com have put together an ultimate guide on how to prepare for and attend an outdoor concert.

Day Bag
The festival might be just one-day or perhaps a multi-day event. Regardless, there will be things you will want to have on-hand with you during the day. The last thing you want is a heavy, bulky bag to drag around, so knowing what to pack is essential. A zippered and lightweight backpack is perfect for packing your go-to items such as a phone charger, or reusable water bottle.
Music Festival Must Haves - Your Summer Music Festival Guide

Since you will more than likely be out for the day, it is important to keep all different types of weather in mind when packing clothes. If you are attending a festival in a hotter or desert-like location, you will want to consider how you are going to stay cool and sun-protected. If you are going from day to night, also consider the change in temperature, and make sure you have something warm to put on. While you may be tempted to wear flip flops in hot weather, consider the mud you are more than likely going to be trekking through, and opt for an old pair of running shoes or rain boots. If rain is in the forecast (or even if it isn’t), a poncho is your best friend. Although it may not be the most stylish of attire, it is lightweight and packable, and will keep you dry when the storm clouds roll in.

Safety Tips - Your Summer Music Festival Guide

Keeping your phone charged can be tricky at a large music festival where networks can be flooded and outlets to charge your phone either don’t exist or are at a cost. Bring your own battery pack and solar charger. This will give you a speedy charge when you are low.

Leave Without a Trace
Festivals can be detrimental to the environment, so being conscious of the small things you can do to lessen your impact is so important. It might seem obvious, but make an effort to leave the grounds with everything you came with. Bring a plastic bag with you so you can keep your garbage together when you can’t find a bin. Most festivals have a huge crew of volunteers that spend days trying to repair the damage left by a concert; please do your part.
Leave No Trace - Your Summer Music Festival Guide

As music festivals become increasingly popular, it can make it more challenging trying to nail down tickets to see your favorite acts. Tickets for many of the more popular festivals are sold in the winter, so keep an eye out and mark the dates in your calendar well ahead of time!

*All infographics courtesy of: eReplacementParts.com blog

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