Companion piece to Easy Home Organization
Suzanne Perrett of Organize My Chaos, gives us five quick and easy home organization tips to get rid of our clutter and chaos at home and in the office.
C- Carve out 10 min a day to sort your stuff. Dedicate a few minutes a day to tackle simple organizing tasks such as putting clothes away or recycling old magazines and papers.
H – How often do you use it? If you haven’t used an item in the past year chances are you never will. Get rid of it.
A – Always use labels. Once you have a place for everything, labeling ensures that items get returned to the correct spot.
O – One In, One Out rule. Whenever you buy a new item for yourself or your home make sure you donate or sell another similar item.
S – Stop Junk Mail. By placing a no flyer/junk mail label on your mailbox you will significantly reduce the amount of clutter you bring into your home.
Follow these five super simple steps and you’re that much closer to avoiding full blown chaos.
Suzanne Perrett
Organize My Chaos
Phone: 416-602-3423
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