This year the Movember Foundation will enter in to its 10th year of mo growth in support of men’s health. With 1 out of 8 men currently suffering from prostate cancer in Canada, it should come as no surprise to learn that it’s the most common cancer in Canadian men. With the incidence of prostate cancer set to double in as little as 15 years, it continues to be a priority for men. And while the push to generate awareness of prostate cancer was at the foundation of the charity’s core, the past decade has seen their focus expand to become an overarching umbrella for all of men’s health. In Canada 3 out of 4 suicides are men, and each day 8 Canadian men die by suicide. Testicular cancer rates have doubled in the last 50 years. And so November is a great discussion starter but December 1, should never been seen as the end of that discussion.
For many men, the concept of going full mo is downright intimidating, but there are definitely tips, tricks and tools of the trade to ensure success while maximizing style. This year, we decided to take on the challenge and to help us navigate the tricky terrain of facial hair management and maintenance, we were introduced to male grooming expert Jason Culala of Toronto’s Original Grooming Experts to experience the new Philips OneBlade, which based on the innovation alone is a really cool concept and product. Neither of us usually has stubble or a bead but this Movember we decided to join the beard gang and the OneBlade helped us look acceptable. The OneBlade Pro was just recently released in September 2017 in Canada. Allowing for even further versatility, the OneBlade Pro trims your beard to a perfect, even length with the included adjustable precision comb. Dial up one of the 12 lock-in length settings to get everything from a 5 o’clock shadow, to a tight trim, to a longer beard style.
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