Shop Prop: ps by prettysweet

  Whether you live in the trendy King West neighbourhood or not, it’s worth the visit to stop by and take in the sweet treat that is the recently opened ps by prettysweet bakery. This quaint boutique...

Shop Prop: Bonnie Gordon School of Confectionary Arts

Tasty morsels that you can make at Bonnie Gordon's School The Bonnie Gordon College of Confectionary Arts in Toronto opened the doors to their new home earlier this year. The journey on public transit was a...

Young and in Love

At the ripe age of 25, I think it is safe to say that wedding fever is spreading wildly in my social circles. It seems every corner I turn or mouse I click lands me smack in the middle of an engagement anno...

Scene & Heard: Body Blitz offers more Bliss

Body Blitz East pools Body Blitz recently expanded with the opening of Body Blitz East. Located on King East in Corktown, the new, larger space boasts 22,000 square feet of space. For those who haven’t h...