Common teen health problems
The teen years form one of the most significant developmental periods of a person’s life. Behavioral patterns established during this time can have a significant impact on a teen’s physical and emotional health as well as their level of risk for developing chronic diseases in adulthood.
Important factors influencing teen health
Adolescence can be a difficult time and it is during this phase that important health and social problems start and reach their peak. Due to the changes that occur during the adolescent years, teens are particularly susceptible to environmental influences. This means the neighborhood they live in, the school they attend; their family, their friends and societal pressures can all affect their health and wellness. Some of the more important health risks and problems to keep in mind are outlined below.
Nutrition and eating disorders
Eating disorders are on the rise in Canada and each year thousands of teenagers develop some form of problem with their weight, body image or eating habits. It is not just going on a diet to lose some weight, but rather an extreme pattern of behavior that characterizes an eating disorder, for instance, exercising three times a day or eating only a very restrictive amount of food per day.
The health implications for eating disorders amongst teens can be detrimental. Because teens are still in the growth phase, proper nutrition is essential. A lack of healthy food can cause bone loss, stunted or delayed growth, muscle waste, anemia, digestive problems and other mental health problems like depression.
Mental health
Good mental health means finding balance and trying to achieve this during teen years can be a challenge. Depression and anxiety disorders are amongst the most common mental disorders that teenagers suffer and according to an article posted by the Canadian health expert website, parental threats can be a contributing factor to teen depression.
Some of the telltale symptoms of a mental health issue include the following:
- Feeling sad.
- Feelings of hopelessness or worthlessness.
- Extreme anger or aggression.
- Excessive worry.
- Excessive time spent sleeping or trouble sleeping at all.
- A drop in academic performance.
- Harmful behavior such as cutting the skin.
It is important to remember that mental health problems are treatable and should not be ignored.
Sexual health
A recent survey found that approximately 25% of teens living in Toronto are sexually active by the age of 16. This brings with it the risk of teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. While the rate of teen pregnancy has dropped due to increased use of the pill, the rate of STIs has increased. It is important that teens learn what they can do to promote their sexual health. Open communication in the home can help achieve this.
Promoting good health for teens
As with any phase of life, good nutrition and exercise form the core of a healthy lifestyle. During this developmental phase, lifelong habits are formed and so it essential to promote a healthy lifestyle at home.
For more articles on health and wellness for teens, please visit the Canadian health blog.
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