TheSceneInTo: Why/how did you get involved with this project?
Maylee: I got involved with Prism Prize/Toronto Plays Itself because I believe what they’re doing is important for Canadians. It’s always encouraging to be recognized for the work/art you do. Prism Prize encourages artistic merit.
TheSceneInTo: You have a blend of music and visual art, that takes a lot of creative energy. Where do channel that from? What inspires you?
Maylee: Ha, thanks! Appreciate that. I’m pretty ambitious and enjoy making stuff. I def have to give cred to my fam jam. My father is an Elvis impersonator and writes satirical songs. He’s inspired the performer in me. My mother has the visual side down, she’s made a lot of our clothes and costumes growing up. She makes these elaborate interactive quilts and dolls. My sisters Tanya and Leilanni are also creatives; Tanya fronted her own band playing keys, guitar, sang and wrote her own songs (which made an impact on me growing up because I didn’t really see a lot of girls doing that) and Leilanni is a fashion designer and creates these incredible videos for her bikinis. I love my family, they’re all inspiring, loving and talented. SHABBA!
TheSceneInTo: What’s the weirdest thing that’s ever happened to you while touring or performing?
Maylee: I got fingered by an old man on Venice Beach. Wait, I wasn’t on tour lol
TheSceneInTo: What’s next on your to-do list? Any collaborations, tour dates?
I have a couple things brewing. I’m really excited to release some tunes with Matt Mclaren (T dots boogie master) and I’ll be releasing my third album this year. I’m planning a tour for the spring. I’ll release details soon when thing’s are locked down.
TheSceneInTo: Canada is such a hotbed of talent, what do you think makes Canadian talent stand out?
Maylee: I do believe our cold climate and the population/industry has something to do with with Canadians cultivating skills. What else are we gonna do indoors besides sleep, eat, netflix and tinder? I think the winter season allows us to learn new software, develop skills, record records, etc.. I can’t speak for everyone but that’s what this ol goats doing. In terms of industry we don’t have a huge one comparatively to others, so there aren’t a lot of opportunities. Canadians need to be really passionate about their artistic endeavors if they wanna make their artistic practice a career.
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