The musical returns to Toronto and aligns perfectly with the highly successful second movie. Based on the songs of ABBA, this night out never disappoints. There’s a wave of nostalgia that falls over most of the audience hooking them in if not by song one, then definitely at Money, Money, Money when the clapping in the audience drowns out the singing – amazing.
Before going to see the performance, I had some doubts about the international cast and whether it would live up to the previous Toronto production. If you have similar thoughts, cast them aside. Not only will you not be disappointed, the vocal talents of Donna (Shon White), Sophie (Lucy May Barker) and Sam (Tamlyn Henderson) will reel you in, hook, line and sinker. There were two additional scenes that really stood out for me. Tanya (Helen Anker) vs. Pepper (Matt Jordan-Pidgeon) which also showcases some of the great dance talent on stage, and Rosie’s (Nicky Swift) rendition of Take A Chance On Me, which will get you stomping your feet and singing along.

International Tour Cast 2018/2019
And that’s the heart of this musical. We all know the music and words and singing along or clapping along is encouraged and brings you into the performance. Yes, the ideal show-goer may be a mother/ daughter combination but anyone who has ever heard an ABBA song or struck a 70’s dance pose will enjoy the uninhibited fun. Lucky of us dancers out there, we don’t need to rush the stage to join in on the fun. The final, post bow performance, has the audience in their seats dancing to iconic Dancing Queen and Waterloo.
Mamma Mia! is only here for a limited time, August 19 to be exact, and last night was a packed house; so get your tickets now at or call 416-593-4142 or 1-800-724-6420 and treat yourself, your mom, your bestie, your bachelorette party to a fun night out of great songs, high energy dancing and a Mamma Mia good time.
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