Do Less, Accomplish More

Do less accomplish more

Do less, accomplish more. It is possible.

NEW YORK — (DGIwire) — Zen philosophy imparts all kinds of messages. Sometimes the
meaning is immediately clear. Other days, the words require deep thought to find a meaningful
message. One favorite to ponder is: Do Less, Accomplish More.

At first read, it sounds like a license to be lazy, while somehow promising success. In actuality,
after much meditative thought, you might realize that instead, it is a reminder to establish clear
priorities. If you manage people, children or troops– issue clear cut marching orders..starting
with yourself.

So, how can you “Do Less, Accomplish More?”

First off, change is all around you. Change creates pressure that forces you to integrate shifting priorities into your daily modus operandi – or simply, you’ll feel stressed. At all times, whatever
your various roles in life, people are vying for your time. The “Squeaky Wheels” will do their
best to distract your from your ultimate mission and try their hardest to get more of your time.
However, turning your attention to a Squeaky Wheel is a good way to get sidetracked. Being
sidetracked, taking your eye off the ultimate mission, is rarely good for you (and believe it or not,
it may not serve the Squeaky Wheel well either). Any relationship is better served when all
involved realize that chewing up time with nonsense and too much hand holding is unlikely to
have a worthwhile payoff.

Establishing clear priorities is one of the best ways you can help yourself and others. To do less
and accomplish more requires careful thought and planning. Yet, it ultimately will help you
conserve the energy you need to manage all that will come your way. Set priorities. Don’t be
vague. Define objectives or jobs specifically. Create deadlines. Set short and long-range
goals. Face your energy. Focus intensely on the moment and acknowledge the future rewards
for a job well done. Guide others accordingly.

Take care of the things that count the most, first. If you do this, sometimes you’ll be surprised
that the things you thought you’d have to do – aren’t really so important. In fact, maybe you
won’t even have to do them after all.

Nail down a list of “must do todays.” Make sure they are essential or will have impact. Save
everything else for some undetermined future date, or figure out how to delegate it to someone

Today, see if you can do less and accomplish more.

About The Author

Pieces posted under "Special to TheSceneinTO" are original works written specifically for our publication. The pieces can cover a range of topics and will always be on brand. They are never paid advertisements.

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