It’s another intense schedule for music goers in Toronto as NXNE touches down June 17 – 21. From free music concerts at Young & Dundas Square to Comedians and Movies, this year promises to be another amazing compilation of talent.

Beach Season is a Canadian group performing during NXNE and one that brings high energy along wherever they tour. In 2014, Beach Season teamed up with Calgary-based electronic label Close To Modern to release the debut EP ‘Internet Evening’. The six tracks were comprised of crooning R&B vocals, hip hop influenced rhythms, and lush wavy textures. With the release of ‘Internet Evening’ Beach Season has had great progress in their career, through 2014, playing CMW in Toronto, Sled Island in Calgary, opening for Australia’s Rufus, Brooklyn’s Cashmere Cat and Israeli artist Adi Ulmansky. In the Fall of 2014 Beach Season toured across Canada playing in major markets such as Winnipeg, Toronto, Montreal and stopping in at CMJ Marathon. Back in the studio they began to work on their 2015 album release something you’ll hear at NXNE.

TheSceneInTO:  You’ve toured a lot and given the chance, what’s the one thing you wished someone had told you while starting out? Any life lessons from the road?

Beach Season: Touring has always been pretty smooth for us, our main issue so far has been getting speeding tickets but that’s about it. So I guess what we’ve learned is to take things slow (literally and figuratively) and to calculate your steps appropriately. The whole vehicle stops as soon as one tire goes flat.

TheSceneInTO:  Where does your inspiration for music come from? Do you lock yourself up until the ideas flow or is there a method you work through?

Beach Season: Personally I think we’re inspired by the places we go and the places we want to go. We’ve only had a small taste of what can happen so we’ve become addicted to the thought of what can be, and I feel this translates to our music. As far as work flow goes, we both seem to create sporadically in unusual circumstances. We both work from our laptops so we can program our ideas whenever they hit. We kind of just go with the ebbs and flows of creativity.

TheSceneInTO:  What’s the one festival you’ve always wanted to perform at? Any artist you’ve wanted to collaborate with?

Beach Season: I’ve always wanted to do Sasquatch music festival, I feel like we could fit in there and our friends always go to that festival too. Personally I want to collaborate with Toro Y Moi (Les Sins in particular), Adi Ulmansky, Travis $cott and Harrison and Clayton of Odesza.

TheSceneInTO:  Who’s on your current playlist? Anyone in particular you’re keeping your eye on?

Beach Season: Ekali is a producer out of Vancouver who’s doing some really cool things, I’ve always been a huge fan of Cashmere Cat and our friend Aleem Khan is about to change the world.

TheSceneInTO:  What’s the weirdest thing that’s ever happened to you while touring or performing?

Beach Season: This one time I think I had a heart palpitation while we we’re playing in Edmonton, it was the weirdest feeling and I felt like my chest started floating. We kept playing and it went away, I’m pretty sure no one noticed so it was all good.


About The Author

CEO: Chief Entertainment Officer

René Samulewitsch @ReneandI is a globetrotter with a hunger for adventure, but at heart, he will always be an urban tourist with big love for Toronto. When not busy with his day job as a PR strategist, he spends his time exploring the city’s culture and entertainment venues. Rene has a passion for sharing experiences, and truly believes in the power of word of mouth. Favourite place in Toronto: Kensington Market in the Summer as there’s always something new to discover. Queen Street for the urban vibe and King Street to let loose and party.

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