The visually stimulating Dance of the Seven Veils scene from the Canadian Opera Company’s production of Salome

The visually stimulating Dance of the Seven Veils scene from the Canadian Opera Company’s production of Salome

The house was full on a Tuesday night for the third of eight performances of Strauss’s Salome. And I wonder if the audience was wondering the same thing I was: “I guess Salome wears a new dress with every show,” as her dress is covered in the dripping blood of the severed head of Jochanaan in what was, to me, the most striking visual in a show rife with overstimulation for your retinas.

Salome is a one-act opera, adapted from Oscar Wilde’s play, and tells the story of a girl who lives with her perverse and shameless stepfather, Herod, and her imperious mother, Herodias. Salome’s desire for the imprisoned Jochanaan is mirrored by a soldier’s tortured infatuation for her, and Herod’s own lust for his stepdaughter. Consumed by misguided passions, the family is inevitably torn apart by its destructive obsessions.

This Spring, as I’ve noted about Lucia di Lammermoor, the COC is debuting phenomenal talent from around the world on our home stage. And this production of Salome does not disappoint. In the titular role, Swedish-American soprano Erika Sunnegård is completely transformed from the head shot in the program to an unrecognizable girl consumed by passion and a darkness that is near terrifying.

Johanne Debus directs Strauss’s haunting score and every pause and staccato is enough to leave you hanging at the edge of your seat. You might almost close your eyes to heighten the intensity. You might also close your eyes because visually what was happening on stage was completely not working. Direction is so pivotal in any performance and overall direction drills down to costuming, staging, lighting and all visual aspects.

I will admit I am not a fan of Egoyan’s recent film and stage works. The staging here reminded me a lot of Cruel and Tender, which I also did not enjoy. I find Egoyan’s aim for shock value incredibly dated and perhaps the theatre community of Toronto is different than it once was, but regardless of my age and the septuagenarian to my right, no one was the least taken aback by the simulated fellatio on stage. Frankly, I was more taken aback by Hanna Schwarz’s (Herodias) ability to wear stilletos on the needlessly graded stage.

A scene from the Canadian Opera Company’s production of Salome

A scene from the Canadian Opera Company’s production of Salome

This is the second production this season that has integrated video elements into the performance, the other being Tristan and Isolde. I feel that the screen elements in both productions detract from the actors and have not integrated well on stage. Both productions phenomenally well acted and well sung, but that’s where the production similarities stop. On the upside, Salome is only one hour and 40 minutes, so if you are looking to lose yourself in the music and still want to know how the Leafs first playoff game in nine years ends, this just might be your ticket.  Salome is on stage at the Four Seasons Centre for the Performing Arts for five more shows until May 22.

For tickets, please visit

About The Author


Sarah Chan never wants to own a car. Steadiest on her own two feet, it is her preferred method of travel to explore the streets of the city where she lives and works. She grew up as a tomboy, listening to 680 News and with a mother who could not cook. Via strange magic, she is now hardly ever found wearing pants (opting for dresses and skirts, not public indecency), lives for the performing arts and is eating – always eating. Sarah often takes her walking talents, her love of street style, art galleries, opera and her insatiable appetite around the world. A constant sufferer of cabin fever and wanderlust, for which the only cure is hopping on board an airplane. Sarah is very particular with customs agents around the world where they are allowed to stamp her passport. Favourite place in TO: A moment of rare silence at the crosswalk at Wellington and Spadina.

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