Trouble in travel paradise
Traveling abroad is always an adventure but it ought to be something that can be done with confidence, whether it involves InterRailing round Europe or lying back on a beach in the Maldives. Of course, accidents can happen in any situation, so in order to enjoy peace of mind it’s best to know what the options are if something does go wrong. With the right knowledge, most problems can be solved early, making it possible to get home safely or recover and enjoy the rest of the trip as planned.
Losing money
However it happens, losing money abroad can leave people feeling helpless. It’s not always just about cash—sometimes cards don’t work or are stolen or swallowed by machines. If there’s no other option (you didn’t purchase travel insurance say), it’s often possible to find simple manual work locally, or to tutor people in English and earn some emergency money that way. Much better though, is to use a service like Trans-Fast to get money sent by a friend or relative back home. It’s very quick and easy to do and the service extends across most of the world.
Needing medication
If you fall ill while traveling, you will usually be able to find a local pharmacy or hospital where you can get help. Unfortunately, not all countries are very reliable when it comes to getting drugs that are safe and not past their sell-by date. Because of this, some insurers are willing to ship medication abroad as long as it’s going to a secure address like a hotel. Travelers should be aware, however, that drugs they are used to taking at home may not be licensed in the countries they are visiting, so a doctor may need to recommend a substitute.
Losing a passport
It’s not possible to re-enter most countries without a passport, and flying can be especially difficult or near impossible, so people often panic when they lose theirs while on their travels. In fact, emergency travel documents can usually be sorted out quite quickly by your country’s local embassy. They should be contacted straight away and should be told if there’s a possibility the passport was stolen, so they can prevent its use by criminals.
Being in a car accident
When a car accident happens abroad, it’s vital that the police are contacted immediately and a copy of the police report obtained. People driving rentals should inform the car rental company straight away and not get any repairs done without their permission. In the event of serious injury, some countries will provide emergency treatment free–not all. Getting a copy of the medical report means it can be possible to reclaim any money spent on treatment after getting home.
Accommodation errors
There’s nothing more frustrating than to arrive at a hotel, worn out after a long journey, and find that it has lost the booking. Trying to avoid late night arrivals is wise, but in small places with not many visible options, it can still be hard to find somewhere to stay at short notice. The best solution is to ask at bus or train stations and in cafes or bars, where people can often direct you to hostels or provide details for private landlords.
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