Fabrik: The Legend of M. Rabinowitz

Fabrik: The Legend of M. Rabinowitz

Jim Henson’s company Wakka Wakka Productions, celebrated the premiere of Fabrik: The Legend of M. Rabinowitz in New York, with incredible reviews from the NY Times. Now, in time for Holocaust Education Week, yo...
The Motherfucker With the Hat, Ted Dykstra, Juan Chioran and Sergio Di Zio Photo: Tom Mullins

The Motherf**ker With the Hat

Diana Bentley and Melissa D’Agostino of Bob Kills Theatre will present the Toronto premiere of The Motherfucker With the Hat, by Stephen Adly Guirgis, at a new intimate performance space, The Coal Mine Theatre,...
Lisa Ryder and Hrothgar Mathews in Helen Lawrence. Photo by David Cooper.

Theatre Review: Helen Lawrence

Crystal Balint and Allan Louis in Helen Lawrence.  The aesthetics of Helen Lawrence reminded me of a Canadian Stage production from a few seasons ago, Tear the Curtain.  Both incorporated the film ...
The Little Mermaid, The LOT, Photo: Seanna Kennedy

inTO: The Little Mermaid Jr

The Lower Ossington Theatre makes a splash with an enjoyable production of The Little Mermaid Jr. The Little Mermaid Jr. is a thoroughly enjoyable production for the young and old alike. Who knew a grown...