How will you make sure your website stands out from the crowd? And do you have the time to do it?

How will you make sure your website stands out from the crowd? And do you have the time to do it?

Did you know?

There is thought to be in excess of 650,000,000 websites worldwide; that’s A LOT of competition, and very daunting for anyone thinking of creating a website. It would be very easy to stay anonymous amongst such a deluge of information, but, then, what use would that be?

These days, you aren’t seen as a serious business unless you have a website. That multitude of personal sites and blog pages, to smaller business and multinational retailers, the web is the place to be seen these days. Done right, a website has the power to draw in visitors, tell them about your product or service, and really sell what you have to offer; put simply, a brilliant website is one of the best ways to advertise yourself.

Stand out from the crowd

Too many websites, especially those from similar sectors, utilize similar formats and risk disappearing amongst the growing crowd; it is essential to stand out, offering something that no one else does. Don’t be afraid to be innovative, seek inspiration where others cannot, and, perhaps most importantly, make all content relevant to the service or product in question. With so many companies out there dedicating themselves to web design, it has never been easier to create a standout website that will really set your business apart from your  competition.

Make sure you are always connecting with your key audience.

Make sure you are always connecting with your key audience.

Content over design

Whilst shiny websites with bright, moving images, and plenty of razzle-dazzle are undoubtedly eye-catching, they are little use without the correct information; a website needs to be less about the show, and all about the statement. The best way to create an engaging website is to carefully consider what it will be about, the content which must be included, and the way in which that message should be conveyed in order to best appeal to potential customers or clients.

Blog posts, product blurbs, catchy subheadings and buzzwords are all great and simple ways of attracting the attention of a visitor to your site, however, it is no longer enough to simply sell a product or service. Companies must create high quality content, which will speak to a customer or client like never before, whilst giving them an air of authority in their industry—this is key to increasing traffic to a website. One of the best ways to create this engaging content is to consider using the talents of copywriters, individuals who are ready to supply a website with snappy, colourful articles that will really absorb those who visit the site. Internal and freelance writers are especially useful for those who don’t have the time to upload content on a regular basis can keep current with a copywriter.

Keep ‘em coming

Once that standout website has been created, keeping it current is essential. Social media, for example, is a fantastic way of engaging with new and old visitors, whilst keeping them up to date with news, fresh ideas, and any changes the company is undergoing. Be memorable; creating a brand identity is another way of remaining truly unique. Everyone knows Apple or MacDonald’s by their logos and incredibly recognizable brand identities. Why not draw on their example and co-ordinate a website with all literature, and marketing? It’s also important to consider mobile phone users. The majority of people with mobiles, smartphones or tablets will use them to browse the web, and so it’s important to consider these devices when configuring a new site.

It’s difficult to be heard online. Let your website be your voice by including high-quality content.

About The Author

Pieces posted under "Special to TheSceneinTO" are original works written specifically for our publication. The pieces can cover a range of topics and will always be on brand. They are never paid advertisements.

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