The rain stayed away and the party kept going on Electric Island this Canada Day Wednesday and TheSceneInTO got hang out with Sasha and friends and interview the DJ ahead of his Toronto arrival.
Sasha, a Welsh DJ, record producer and Grammy Award nominee was voted World No1 DJ in 2000 by DJ Magazine and is a four time International Dance Music Awards winner and four time DJ Awards winner. Sasha’s style was mostly progressive house and electro house music, but his most recent material tends to be a cross section between house, trance, and breaks.
TheSceneInTO: You’ve toured a lot and given the chance, what’s the one thing you wished someone had told you while starting out? Any life lessons from the road?
Sasha: You have to keep your wits about it. Keep it lean, get rid of clutter and pace yourself; it’s hard to eat healthy on the road, so be mindful and you don’t need most of the shit you pack. But the travel has its benefits. Playing South America during our winter, especially Brazil is a treat. And I love going back to Ibiza; every clubber should go there at least once
TheSceneInTO: What are your festivals to perform at?
Sasha: I love playing at diverse festivals: Sonar in Barcelona, Bonnaroo and Coachella in the States and Glastonbury festival in England. I’ve been 4 times and it’s amazing how diverse the group of artists is; Kanye headlined this year.
TheSceneInTO: Who’s on your current playlist? Anyone in particular you’re keeping your eye on?
Sasha: I’m really impressed with the guys on the label like Hunter/Game. They’re doing amazing work right now.
TheSceneInTO: What’s the weirdest thing that’s ever happened to you while touring or performing?
Sasha: I was playing vinyl and the record kept skipping. So I got fed up and threw behind me but it flipped off a metal frame and hit girl in the forehead. She scared the shit out of me because there was a lot of blood. She was fine about it though. Now you can laugh about it.
TheSceneInTO: What’s next on your to-do list? Any collaborations, new albums, tour dates?
Sasha: I’m putting the finishing touches on new record and there are some remixes coming up too. Lots of original music too. A few secrets on the go. Oh, and I’m pitching music for TV and movies.
Link up with Sasha via his social channels and find his tour dates all in one place:
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