GRAY. Theatre Inamorata

Theatre Inamorata, Feminism and Toronto Theatre

Theatre Inamorata is a new theatre company comprised entirely of women dedicated to adapting classical scripts for the female voice. They wrapped up their debut performance Gray, this past September. Gray, iron...

In the Bag: The Womanizer (or, the best orgasm of your life)

The first time I used the Womanizer my first clear thought was “that was fantastic.” I felt like melting into my bed. My whole body tingled and felt like it was vibrating—a sensation that lasted for the greater part of an hour. It was perhaps the most intense orgasm I’ve ever experienced.

Fashion Q&A of the Week: How to wear a cardigan

Q: How do I wear a cardigan without looking like an 80-year old retiree? You can have fun with various types of cardis and switch things up for different looks A: The cardigan is a staple in my wa...

Scene & Heard: Body Blitz offers more Bliss

Body Blitz East pools Body Blitz recently expanded with the opening of Body Blitz East. Located on King East in Corktown, the new, larger space boasts 22,000 square feet of space. For those who haven’t h...